Thursday, February 13, 2014

Walk a Mile


I did not want to wake up Saturday morning to walk in the cold. The weather was not good, and the sidewalks were slick. I asked my daughter if the walk was canceled because of the weather, and the reply that I got was, “This is what it is like for the homeless, no, it is not canceled the walk is still on.” The more I thought about that comment the more I realized what the homeless have to endure on a daily basis. My heart broke thinking about all of those people who are homeless and cold. I only walked a mile; they walk outside because that is all that they can do at this point in their life.

My friend was telling me the other day that when she went to Indianapolis she saw so many homeless people on the overpasses. It was so cold out that night. She could not even enjoy that trip to Indianapolis due to the thought of the people that have nothing.

When I got to the Walk a Mile in My Shoes walk I could not believe how many people showed up to participate. The walk was slippery, but it was a learning experience. Before the walk they offered the walkers granola bars, doughnuts, and something to drink. After the walk they supplied a wide selection of food items. It was a wonderful lunch! The New Life Community Church made over 400 sandwiches, and yes, they even had cheese, vegetables and fruit!  I took a picture (above) of some of the hard workers at the walk. The volunteers were so kind, and they helped everyone forget about the cold. I am going to attend this event every year. I want to help others, and this is one way that I can be a part of something that helps raise awareness for the less fortunate in our community.  It is also encouraging to see the individuals who are willing to go the extra mile to help others in their time of need.

God bless them all!


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