Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Having Fun in Water Aerobics!


Do you like to swim? If you do, then you should try water aerobics. I love to swim. My family thinks that I should have been a fish. I could stay in the water all day! Water aerobics was one class I was excited to go to.  I did exercises that I have never done before in the pool. I have a pool at home, and I have exercised in it every summer, but it doesn’t even compare to water aerobics at the YMCA.  

The instructors name is Mari. She has such a welcoming personality! She was fun and talked with all of us throughout the class. It was like taking an exercise class with a best friend. You could tell she has never met a stranger, and she wanted to help everyone become healthier versions of ourselves. Can you believe that you can “ski” in the pool, do jumping jacks, and use resistance weights all while jogging in the pool? Our class jogged around in a circle in the pool, and then she had us jog in reverse. This is a lot harder than it sounds because when we switched directions we were going against the current that we all had created by jogging the other way. It was not easy walking against the current. Sometimes I felt like I was in an undertow, (just kidding), but it was fun.

I met some really nice individuals, and we all laughed a lot. That is what I love about this class. You do not have to worry about what you look like in a swim suit. Everyone is there to become healthier and have a good time with friends. Thanks Mari for making this a fun class. I cannot wait to go back this Friday!

Classes for Water Aerobics at the YMCA with Mari are: Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 5:30 to 6:30. Come join in the fun!


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