Tuesday, February 11, 2014

YMCA Spin Class

Ready, Set, Go…and away we went, in the YMCA spin class. Wow, how do I describe this class? I had a lot of fun riding the spin bike. The instructor was really fun, and she made the class go by fast. I felt like I had rode to Florida and back by the time the one hour class was finished. She cranked up the music and we did not stop for 60 minutes. It took my energy level to a new high! I never would have believed that there were so many ways to ride a bike! I even stood up and pedaled. I was dripping sweat the whole time. There is a little dial on the bike that you turn to up the resistance. You can make it feel like you are riding up a mountain. At times I thought I was riding up Pike’s Peak.

Bryce and Cindy Coryea, husband and wife, were spinning next to each other. I thought that was so neat that a couple was working out as a team. Don’t they look like a picture of health? I think they do!

This is one class I want to go back to because I do like to ride a bike, and I liked the way the class all worked together. We cheered each other on the whole time. No one was left behind. Then again, we never even left the room.


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