Monday, February 10, 2014

What are You Thinking?

How many times have you heard we are what we eat? I believe we are also what we think.Often when we want to lose weight and get in shape, we think about two main things: what we eat and exercise. There is another very important component to wellness and that is what we feed our mind. This topic could be an entire book. In fact, there are several books on the mind connection. A few of my favorites are Battlefield of the Mind and Power Thoughts by Joyce Meyer and You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay.

I listen to Joyce Meyer messages almost every day as I do my morning exercises. I mute the volume on the TV and turn up Joyce's broadcast on the computer. It's a great way to start my day. I love feeding my mind with positive thoughts and faith. It protects my mind and enables me to think power thoughts that helps move my life forward. If I skip this routine, the stress starts to build up, temptations of the flesh flood my mind (like one doughnut or a few potato chips won't matter that much or wouldn't you rather just relax and watch TV than go for a walk...) and negative thoughts scratch at my mind's door like a hungry wolf. The main way I prepare for this daily combat is to nourish my mind with the word of God, pray, visualize, and mediate on what I want rather than what I don't want, and act "as if" what I want is already here. For example, I want to be at my ideal weight. If I act "as if" I am already there, then I am doing things that support that thought. I will eat as a 150 lb person eats, I will move around and be active, I will become in my mind first what I want to accomplish because according to neuroscience "brain" experts, imagined thoughts influence real thoughts. We know this is true. We cry at sad movies, we jump during the scary scenes, we are in awe of magic tricks. It's illusion and imagination, yet we react. And so it is with the thoughts we think. If we listen to upbeat music, we want to sing and dance. If we think sad thoughts, we get depressed, if we think positive thoughts, we feel hopeful and happy. If we immerse ourselves with thoughts that nourish our mind, it makes sense that our mind will become stronger and empower us to do whatever it is we imagine.

Another way I "feed" my mind is by continually learning. I read and study every day. I am taking a course on nutrition right now through Coursera, which I love because it's education from universities all over the world and it's FREE! There are 40,000 people in the nutrition class with me. What a unique opportunity to engage with and learn from like-minded people from around the world. I believe that when we study, we learn the truth and as we know the truth can set us free.

What are YOU feeding your mind? Is it nourishing you? Is it strengthening your mind, body and spirit?

Your thoughts lead to your destiny!

Watch your thoughts 
they become your words.
Watch your words
they become your actions.
Watch your actions
they become your habits
Watch your habits
they become your character
Watch your character
because it becomes your destiny. 
~ Lao Tzu


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