Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Self-Love Day to YOU

Something Megan Gilmore (life coach on podcast #4) said really resonated with me and that is to take "exquisite" care of yourself. So often we focus on everyone else around us and forget to show the same love and concern for ourselves. We hear take care of yourself all the time. It almost sounds cliche and is passed over in our mind like a "How are you" greeting to which we reply "Good," no matter how we feel in the moment. "Take exquisite care of yourself" makes you pause to think about what that means. To me it means spending time on things that make me feel special and beautiful inside and out.

Nothing reminds us of the need for love as much as Valentine's Day, although it's often focused on our significant other and other loved ones, which is fine, but what if there were a day where we focused on ourselves? A day where we take exquisite care of ourselves. What if that happened every day? Do you think it would make a difference? I do!

If we want to be able to love others, I believe we have to start with loving ourselves. How do we talk to ourselves? Is it disabling or empowering? It starts in our mind. We have to believe we are deserving of love and if we don't feel that way, we need to get to the root of why we don't. Is there forgiveness that needs to take place? Do we need some quiet time and space to explore the things that makes us happy?

I think we're all in different places on our journey, but we do have a commonality in that if we do one simple thing to show ourselves that we care about our mind, body and spirit, that one simple thing is like a spike in the side of a mountain. It gives us the leverage we need to keep climbing. It keeps us from falling off track.

If we focus on taking exquisite care of ourselves, it leaves little room for the negative emotions to take root. Showing kindness to ourselves enables love to bloom so that we can share it with others. I believe self-love is the path to living our healthiest and happiest life. When we sow the seeds of love within our own soul and nourish it with "exquisite" care, it will bloom and positively influence those around us in ways we could have never imagined.

So, in honor of Valentine's Self-Love Day, I am nourishing my body with vibrant, life-giving foods. I am going to put on some music and dance. Next, I'm going to paint my fingernails and toenails. I haven't done that in a really long time. Then, I'm going to look in the mirror, smile at the reflection looking back at me and say, I LOVE YOU, unconditionally.

I hope YOU give yourself the gift of self-love too, today and every day!


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