Thursday, February 27, 2014

Yoga Class

Yoga Class

One definition of yoga I found is:  “a system of exercise for mental and physical health.”  That description perfectly describes the yoga class that I went to Monday night at the YMCA. I was very skeptical about going to this class. My muscles and joints are so tight. I used to be limber when I was young, but not anymore. I was not sure what to expect when I walked into this class. I never thought that I could ever do yoga. When I arrived, two people from work, Kim and Teri, told me they were attending yoga that night as well. I never knew that I would run into them at the YMCA.  As I made my way into room they had gotten a mat and block out for me. I did not even know that I needed a mat, and I never knew yoga is done barefoot. Yes, I am really green when it comes to yoga.

When I went into the room the lights were dimmed and soft music was playing. I thought I really could get into liking this class! The instructor, Marcy, did a great job instructing the class. This was the first day of the new six weeks, and she explained yoga to all of the newbies, which definitely included me. Marcy explained that yoga is a great stress reliever, and as I was taking part in the class I could feel the release of the stress of the day. Marcy had us stand against a wall, and she wanted us to make sure our shoulder and hips were aligned straight with each other as we walked away from the wall for good posture. I have never really thought about good posture before. I also never took into consideration how important breathing and balance is in our overall health. At the end of the class I was so relaxed I almost fell asleep during the last 3 minutes of the cool down. I even felt better the next morning when I got up. Yoga is the way to go!

Marcy instructs yoga at the YMCA on Mondays and Wednesdays at 5:15. Come take part in improving your health in a relaxing environment. I guarantee that you will not regret it.



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