Saturday, February 15, 2014

Temptation 10, Consumption 2

The urge to eat junk food was very strong today. On a scale of 1-10, I was at a 10. Fortunately, I stopped by the health food store instead of the McDonald's drive through. To make matters worse, I really had to pee and the health food store directed me to McDonald's next door. And I went there! Imagine having a craving of 10 and going inside the fast-food place without getting anything. I'm here as proof it can be done!

I ended up buying and eating some "vegan junk food" which was carob covered almonds and ginger candy chews. Not what most would consider junk food, but when you're overcoming food addiction and trying to transform your life, it's the little things that can derail you, or me at least. I ate a handful of the almonds and about 10 of the candies before I reeled it in and stopped eating before it became a full-blown binge. That's how it always started before. A few pieces of candy led to more sugar cravings and before I realized what was happening I had consumed more junk food in one day than most people on the Standard American Diet eat in a week.

I am so grateful the binge days are behind me, but I am always aware that the temptation is there. It is through faith and awareness that I believe my life is forever changed. Thank God. It is such a relief. I am getting stronger everyday.


P.S. I am sure I could have stopped the intense craving altogether had I drank a big glass of water first. I realized I was thirsty as I was driving to the store and again after I ate the candy. I normally carry water in the car with me, but it was frozen. Maybe it will thaw out when our 40 degree heat wave comes next week!

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