Saturday, February 1, 2014

Super Bowl Challenge and Healthy Snacks

I'm watching the Super Bowl tomorrow, like millions of people, but unlike most, I watch the Super Bowl only for the commercials! As an entrepreneur, I am fascinated by marketing and the Super Bowl commercials are talked about in the marketing world for weeks afterward. In fact, I know a guy, Al Lautenslager, who gets paid to review and talk about Super Bowl commercials to marketing groups!

So, to make watching the game more interesting and to get my workout in, I'm going to do Sparkpeople's Super Bowl Challenge during the game. While I may have to ask what a 2-point conversion means in order to do the Macarena or modify the dips on fumbles, I'm sure I'll have fun and maybe get the family in on it too. I invite YOU to do the Super Bowl Challenge too!

Also, be sure to check out my Pinterest page for some healthy recipes to make for Super Bowl snacks.

Touchdown. We got this game!


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