Tricked and Forced to Walk
I am one tired lady. I was forced to walk 4 ½ miles today. My daughter made me so mad because she played mind games with me to get me to walk. And I walked, and it worked. I complained the whole way. I said that it was too hot and that I was going to get heat stroke. I mentioned that at least the trainers on the Biggest Loser give their contestants water. I forgot my water today, but I thought that I could still blame my daughter for that. L The mosquitoes were biting me so I stated that I was going to get the West Nile Virus. Then I pulled the age card. “I’m 50 and you are 23, so slow down.” That did not work. I just kept complaining. My daughter told me that she was going to tape me and play the tape back when I get in shape. This way I will be able to see how much of a pain I was and what all she had to put up with. I went to bed that night, and when I got up the next morning I had so much energy, and my skin looked more “alive” if that even makes sense. I could not believe it. I expected to hardly be able to get out of bed in the morning, and this was another complaint I gave my daughter the night before.  My body has been crying out for a long time that it needs exercise; I need to move. I was slowly killing myself, and the worst thing was is that I had a front row seat to this process, and I did not even care what I was doing to my body. I am glad that I was forced to walk because I found a new outlook on life this morning. Tonight I am tired, but tomorrow is a new day.
It is amazing to go back and read my journal entries. To be able to laugh and reminisce. The journey continues.....Julie