Friday, February 21, 2014

Renew Your Mind

Life is going to beat you down sometimes, that's a given. You are going to be disappointed, you are going to get off track and think negative thoughts. How it all affects you, especially long-term, is your choice.

The way out of the darkness of disappointment, negativity, worry and depression for me has always been a constant renewing of my mind. At first I wasn't aware of how powerful this is and I would happen upon it by attending a seminar and listening to a speaker like Zig Ziglar, John Maxwell, Henry Cloud, or Dan Allender. Maybe it was by listening to an audio CD like the ones that come in Success Magazine or maybe it was from reading a book like, "You Can Heal Your Life" by Louise Hay.

Somewhere along the way, I began to realize that this information was helping me think differently. It was helping me control the "stinkin' thinkin'" as Zig Ziglar called it. Listening to these faith-based leaders led me to a deeper understanding of the mind, body, spirit connection and how God works in our life. Once I made the connection that this information was helping to renew my mind, I began to listen to it on a daily basis and my life has been forever changed in a positive way.

I can tell when I miss a few days of renewing my mind because everyday stresses starts to affect me, the cravings return, I begin to question things that I previously thought were the right path for me. Worry and depression washes over me and tries to settle in. The temptation to wallow in my sorrows becomes quite strong if I stay in this zone for too long. It's not a safe place for me. Renewing my mind has become my safe haven, my way of climbing out of the pit of despair. I realize that it's not a one time climb. It's a daily journey.

One of my favorite ways to renew my mind is to listen to Joyce Meyer broadcasts. I can relate to her on so many levels. I too was abused as a child and am forever grateful that she talks about it publicly. It is through her that I was able to share my story and let the secrets out that had been haunting me and making me feel like a victim. Through Joyce I learned the power of forgiveness to set myself free. I continue to learn from her all the time. She encourages us to not just be "spoon-fed" information and messages, but to study the Bible ourselves and renew our mind daily.

When I renew my mind, I want all the other good things in my life too. I want to nourish my body with whole, plant-based, nutritious foods. I want to exercise, move around, get some fresh air and sunshine. I want to live my best life and I want to inspire others to live their healthiest, happiest life too. It all starts with the mind.

What do YOU do to renew your mind?


Below is a link to the message from Joyce I listened to today. It always seems to be just what I need to hear. Today she reminds us to not dwell in self-pity, but to renew our mind and set our spirit free...

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