Sunday, February 9, 2014



Lost 3.2 pounds

When I found out that I would be attending the group strength class at the Marion YMCA, all I could think about was how scared I was to go. What would it be like? Would everyone be looking at me? Will I fit in or will I look out of place? I had never joined the YMCA or any gym because of these negative thoughts that plagued my mind. As I walked into the YMCA, I was greeted by Marcy Moreillon, the Marion YMCA’s fitness coordinator. She was so kind, and she helped me forget about all of my negative thoughts. She explained the classes to me and gave me an overall good feeling about the YMCA. She then took me to the group strength class. So many people were in this class, and I was wanted to turn around and run, but it was too late for that. I just figured that I could hide out in the back of the room. Well, that never happened because there was only room in the middle facing a large mirror. The instructor, Laura Dodson introduced herself and explained how the class worked. Everyone in the class was so nice and they were all super focused. They were there to workout, not to look at everyone and judge who still had weight to lose. I had so much fun! It was hard, but Laura and the other individuals in the class made me want to push myself out of my comfort zone. I had to modify some exercises, but I made it through the whole class. After class I told Laura that I think that I had just lost 10 pounds. My daughter went with me and she loved it as well.

That night we went home, and I decided to cancel my order for an elliptical machine that I had placed earlier in the week and get a member ship to the YMCA instead. Why pay a lot of money for one workout machine when I can go to the YMCA where I can go for a swim, take a group class, play a team sport, and workout on an elliptical all for less money than I was going to pay for one elliptical. The next day I made the call, and now I am a member! This coming week I am going to spin class, and aqua aerobics. I am not scared of the gym now. I am excited to experience new classes and meet new friends! Take a look at the picture that was taken in the group strength class, don’t they look like a fun group?

I am glad that I had this opportunity to go to the YMCA. We all say we do not have the time to exercise, but somehow we make time to watch TV at night. We all have to stop making excuses and just do it! Make the commitment to exercise, and make it a priority in your life. Before the Great Weight Off started I gave every excuse that a person could possibly think of to avoid working out. Exercise gives me more energy to get out of the bed in the morning, and it makes me a better friend, co-worker, and mother. Every morning I would wake up in a grouchy mood. I did not even like myself. Now that I am taking time to exercise and eat right, my outlook on everything looks better. Think about it, are you worth taking time for yourself to feel better and have a healthier attitude about life? Yes you are!


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