Sunday, February 2, 2014

What Do I Eat?



Lost 1.8


Slowly but surely this weight is coming off. I hope to report more weight loss next week partially due to the YMCA classes that Kathy and I will be attending. This will be an adventure. I am so excited to meet the people at the YMCA and check out the great classes that they have, but right now this weather makes it really hard to make healthy food choices. I cannot wait until I can go out and enjoy the nice weather that will have this spring! I have tried to be productive while being stuck inside these last couple of weeks. I have tried new recipes, and I have enjoyed making healthier versions of food that I love to eat. I like to experiment with recipes, and I have posted some on my ideas on my blog. Being snowed in makes it hard to go out to eat, and this can be a plus, but at the same time I like going out to eat and discovering healthy choices. 


So many people say “What can I eat when I go out to a restaurant; there are just no healthy foods to eat.” You can give an excuse when people want you to go out eat. You can tell them that you are losing weight and cannot go out to eat because you will be tempted by unhealthy food. However, you can still go out to eat, and you can eat healthy. I love going out to eat with family and friends. I believe if you tell yourself you cannot have something, you will want it more than ever. Being healthy is a lifestyle. It is not about going on a crash diet. I start by making different food choices. Instead of french fries I order a baked potato. Instead of pop I drink water or unsweetened iced tea. I love ice cream, but instead of downing a milkshake or blizzard I like to order a small frozen yogurt cone.


When you get a salad, get the dressing on the side and before you put any of the salad on your fork, dip your fork in the cup of dressing to be able to taste the dressing in each bite without going overboard. When you get a sub sandwich don’t get the foot long just get the six inch sub. This automatically limits your portion size. I have been ordering a small salad and soup when I go out to eat. The other day I wanted a grilled cheese so bad, so I ordered ½ of a grilled cheese and a small cup of soup. I left the restaurant not feeling deprived but satisfied. Some restaurants even have menus that have calorie counts and sections that highlight healthier choices. These are just a few tips that I have found that work for me. I will never stop going out to eat. I just look at the menus a different way.


So next time, when you get the opportunity to go out to eat with family or friends please don’t turn it down, go and enjoy yourself, and check out the menus with a new mindset!



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