Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Get Your Kids and Family to Eat Healthy featuring Angela Herrington Podcast Episode #6

Journey to Health Episode #6 features Great Weight Off Challenger, Angela Herrington, who is also an entrepreneur, nurse, author, blogger, and former administrator of the head start program where she was in charge of health and nutrition for pre-school children. She is also the mother of five children and on a journey to improve her health and guide her family to a healthier lifestyle. She is blogging about her wellness journey on her website

My experience with getting my family to eat healthier has definitely been a process and a journey. Since I became a vegetarian two years ago, they are suspicious of every food dish I make and want to know if it's "real." I feel that my role is to make sure they are aware of the truth when it comes to food. I have studied nutrition extensively for the past two years and feel a moral obligation to share what I learn with my family and community. Whether they choose to listen to the information is completely up to them of course, but I sure wish I would have known even some of the truth I have learned when it comes to nutrition and our food source.

If you are reading this blog, that means you care about your health and your family's health. I highly recommend that you listen to this podcast and apply Angela's tips that resonate with you.


Healthy Nutrition for Kids Resources:

Click here for a link to Angela's recap of her interview with additional resources.

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