Monday, February 3, 2014

Mixing It Up - H2O Exercise

I'm mixing it up this week in an effort to move more and see if I can get those scales to budge at least 2 lbs. I'm doing a different exercise class at the Y this week, everything from Aqua Aerobics to Zumba! I have been doing the same 20-30 minute home exercise programs for over a year and I'm burned out on it. I still love home exercise DVDs like Taebo and T25, especially for the convenience, but I also enjoy going to the Y and walking outside, so that's what I plan to do this week. I think it will also be good to get out of the house and get some fresh air. I have been cooped up more than normal with this wacky weather we have been experiencing. I know it's winter and that is normal, but it also makes me want to go into hibernation mode and the best way I know of to get past the lethargy is to move. Energy begets energy, right?

The other thing I am going to make a concerted effort to do this week is up my water intake. I never realized all the symptoms being dehydrated can produce: everything from a headache, inability to concentrate, joint pain, cramping, dizziness, constipation, fatigue... the list goes on. Dehydration can become very serious and affects our entire body. I think we often dismiss dehydration as a cause when we get headaches, chapped lips, foggy thinking, dizzy or whiteout when we stand up, and when we feel tired for no apparent reason. Water is at the top of the list to control cravings too. I think if we counted water ounces consumed instead of calories, we would all be a lot better off. Actually, we don't have to count ounces of water consumed, there is a much easier way to gauge whether we are getting enough water and that is clear urine. If it's dark, drink more water!

I think water and exercise go together in that we often avoid it and then when we do it, we wonder why we stopped because it makes us feel so much better. Water and exercise goes together literally too. Very few things get rid of the winter blues as much as jumping in the pool. It feels so soothing and reminds me of summer. That's where I'm headed as soon as I publish this blog in a few minutes. I can't wait! That's how exercise should be, something you look forward to doing, not a chore.

So, I'm going with my gut this week, which is to increase my water intake and move more. What are YOU doing to mix things up this week? Comment below or on our Facebook page. I hope whatever you do, you have a healthy and happy week!


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