Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Do You Have DIABETES? Kim Jeffries, RN, CDE of MGH Podcast Episode #5

Kim Jeffries of MGH has 30 years experience working as a registered nurse and certified diabetes educator. She shares a wealth of knowledge in this podcast, everything from what causes diabetes to symptoms, treatments, and prevention. In this episode, you will learn about the staggering statistics, diabetes risks, types of diabetes, and ways to control diabetes.

I had several aha moments from Kim's presentation including when she said that diabetes doesn't bend to your schedule and that you can't starve sugar down. I also never thought about "sugar-free" products having "carbs" that converts to sugar. I'm glad I don't drink soda pop, Kim said drinking a regular can of pop is like taking some water and adding 12 teaspoons of sugar! 

I am at risk of diabetes because it runs in my family and I am overweight. It was a wake-up call listening to Kim because she said many people walk around with diabetes and don't even realize it because they confuse or get used to the symptoms - such as fatigue, extreme thirst and/or hunger, increased urination, and non-healing wounds. I think it's time to get checked again. I haven't had a test in several years.  

Please listen and share with those you know who have or are at risk of getting diabetes. You never know who's life it could save! 


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