Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Kick Fit Class

What a fun group of Kick Fitters!

Going to Kick Fit class at the YMCA was quite an experience. The class lasted 45 minutes, and the time just flew by! People from all ages attended the class, which I really liked. I have to say that Kick Fit is one of my favorite classes that I have went to, and I am going back this week for a second round of a hard, intense workout.

The people that came to this class were such a fun group. Laura, the Kick Fit instructor, kept us moving the whole time. I also loved the upbeat music that Laura picked out for the class. The music helped me keep up with the rhythm of the punches and kicks, and it distracted me from the intensity of the workout. This class was not about protecting yourself against crime, but I sure felt like I learned some options on how to protect myself. J I never knew there were so many different kinds of punches. I also consider all the jabbing and punching and kicking a good stress reliever. This would definitely be the class to go to if you need to get in a good workout and if you need to release some stress.
By the time this class was over I was pooped out. I think after Kick Fit was finished for the night that nobody better mess with the people in this group, because we know how to protect ourselves with all of the punching and kicking we did!

Come on over to the YMCA to the Kick Fit class and have a good time. The classes are Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4:45pm to 5:30pm.

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