Monday, February 3, 2014

Do You Have Faith?

It shall be done to you according to your faith.
Matthew 9:29
This is your time for Increase. You may have been sick for a long time, but this is your time to get well. You may be bound by addictions and bad habits, but this is the time to be set free. You may be struggling financially, but this is the time for promotion. The key is to believe.
Joel Osteen (Devotional Book: Your Best Life Begins Each Morning by Joel Osteen)
I love the word faith. The word faith means complete trust. I do believe that with faith we can overcome any obstacle that comes before us in our lives. I believe that you have to believe that God wants us to live the life that He intended for us to live. I believe this is the year for you and I to be happy and to overcome our weight problems. We have struggled with our weight most of our lives, and it is time to believe that 2014 is the year of better health. It is the year of getting rid of the bitterness that we feel about ourselves, and to learn to put ourselves somewhere at the top of the list instead of the bottom. We have to stop being bound by this weight, and it is time to be free of this once and for all. I pray that we all take off our rose colored glasses and quit seeing the world through others eyes. We need to open our eyes and look at ourselves and believe with faith we can triumph over our body issues. Step back and look at this verse, and truly believe that according to your faith it shall be done. Now, I just gave you a blog sermon!
I believe in faith!


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