Thursday, February 6, 2014

Clean Out the Closet

I am tired of wearing all these big clothes! I have every size of clothing in my closet. Does this sound familiar to any of you? I keep shoving my closet full of clothes that I cannot wear anymore. I have clothes from size 5 petite to 2X. This is crazy. I shop at Goodwill and other thrift stores because I do not want to spend a lot of money on clothes.


It really hit me when a girl at work said that I need to start dressing younger and less depressing. I told her that I like to wear black because you cannot see how much I weigh. She said “Girl, it does not matter, I am going to take you shopping and I am going to make you look hip.” 

Why do we hide behind dark colors? I never thought about how what I wear can set my mood for the day. I am now shopping for brighter colors. When my coworker made this statement I really had to look at how I dressed, and I realized that I do dress like a depressed person. I am now shopping for brighter colors. I still wear dark clothes, but this summer I will be dressing in lightweight colorful dresses with sandals. I am going to lose this weight and enjoy being me! I am going to start dressing happy! I am going to get rid of my depressing black and brown pants and their matching black and brown shoes. This is another goal that I have for 2014. I want to dress for happiness and success!

It is time for me to clean the closet out and start shopping with a new perspective!

Note: Even when I do lose this weight I will continue to shop at Goodwill and thrift stores because I love finding all kinds of bargains! I will just have to look in the small sizes for great deals!


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