Thursday, February 6, 2014

Who Inspires You?

I am inspired by many people in the health, wellness, and personal development field. A lot of people would get super-excited to meet their favorite celebrity actor or musician. I would be more stoked to meet Darren Hardy, John Maxwell, Mimi Kirk, T. Colin Campbell, and Louise Hay.

There is one person who inspires me the most in the fitness world and that is the world's oldest female bodybuilder, Ernestine Shepherd. I can't tell you how many times I have set my alarm clock so I could get up at 5 a.m. and workout. I push snooze every time. Ernestine gets up at 2:30 a.m. every day! Can you imagine that? No excuses. She just does it. She also teaches classes to help other people get and stay fit in her community. I really admire people who share their gifts with the world, live empowered and pass it on. 

When I worked at the YMCA, I was inspired by Marge McClure. She came in for 50+ years to teach exercise classes. I loved taking her class. She would do part land-based exercises and the other part water exercises. I learned a lot from her. I was also inspired by Thelma Thompson. She came in to the Y consistently to workout and she was in her 90's!

I am inspired by people who don't give up, who keep doing what they can to stay healthy and live their best life. They have inspired me to get healthy and help others in my own unique way. They have indirectly led me to this journey and to YOU! I love the way our lives are intertwined with those who inspire us and those we inspire. I believe we all have someone looking up to us. By taking care of our health we show that we care about ourselves and about them too.



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