Saturday, February 8, 2014

Eating Healthy For Your Eyes

I have blogged before about going to the doctor and getting a blood test, I am now going to harp on you about going to the eye doctor. I went the other day, and I could not believe all of the different tests that they have now. Wow, has technology grown by leaps and bounds. They even gave me an x-ray that showed me the shape and outline of my eye. It was incredible. After my test was done I was informed by the eye doctor that I needed to take vitamins for my eyes. Because I have blue eyes, light completed, and I do not eat very many green vegetables, I am at an increased risk of getting macular degeneration. I cannot do anything about my eye color and complexion, but I can eat more vegetables. This was another wake up call for me. They put me on a special vitamin for eyes, and I am eating more green leafy vegetables. I go back this month to see if my score on the test has improved. If my score does improve, it will show that eating more vegetables and taking my vitamins have directly helped the health of my eyes. It is really neat that in today’s times they can look ahead and possibly help prevent macular degeneration which can be a scary disease. Our eyesight is not to be messed with, so I am taking this all seriously and doing what the eye doctor ordered! Also, make sure to wear your sunglasses even in the winter to protect your eyes.

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