Monday, February 24, 2014


Monday, the word strikes dread for millions of people who hate their job. I have worked at several places where when you ask someone how they are doing on Monday, they say they can't wait until Friday. I've had that thought myself at a couple jobs. I never lasted long at places like that. Some people can turn off their job from their personal life, but for me, it's all meshed together. I believe that if we are in a job we despise that it affects our health. Life is too short to be miserable. I understand that the bills have to be paid and that there is a sacrifice to be made if you give up a steady paycheck, but that doesn't stop us from searching for purpose and meaning in our life and putting out resumes to places we would rather work. I think even just the search helps you feel more in control of your life. It's when we feel out of control that the stress can take over and send us on a downward spiral. There is no better day than Monday to gauge how things are going in  your life. Are you looking forward to Monday or do you dread it? If it's the former, you're on the right track. If it's the latter, it's time for change.

I used to think of Monday as a mini-new year, a time of fresh starts. The problem was I would neglect myself all week long and then think I could start over on Monday. I realize now that it's all accumulative and takes a long time to reverse the effects of neglect of our body by consuming junk food and lack of exercise. Mondays are no longer a starting over time for me, but a time to continue on the journey, to gauge whether I'm on the right track, to make plans for a brighter future, and to take action that will help me reach my goals. Mondays are now more of a road map. Where am I going? What am I doing to get there? Who can help me along the way? Who can I help along the way?

I hope Monday is good to you and life is everything you hope it could be. If it isn't, then use your road map and start your journey. Good health and the adventure of a lifetime awaits you!


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