Thursday, February 27, 2014


It's kind of ironic that the topic for my article for the Sunday, Chronicle-Tribune is "What to do when you Fall Off the Wagon" and that's exactly what I did today, fell off the wagon! I forgot to bring veggies or nuts with me when I went to a seminar today and I also didn't have water, so by the time the seminar was over I was hungry and dehydrated. By the time I went to the store, every salty and sweet treat I saw was calling my name. I gave in and bought some junk food, two of which are hard to resists: Sweet Southern BBQ Chips and Peanut M&Ms. So, I'm calling it a "free day" and having a couple slices of pizza too! I'm in a funk because of the stupid scales going up a couple pounds this week. I will be so glad when I can go back to weighing in once a month! Tomorrow will be a new day. I will clear my mind and get back on track, but tonight I'm giving in to the comfort food. :/


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