Thursday, February 20, 2014

Granny Bikes


Another story from this past summer:

I have not ridden a bike in a long time. The last time I rode a bike I said “Forget this!” This fat stomach of mine just gets in the way. I bought a granny bike that had a large seat.  I forgot how to stop a bike that did not have hand brakes.  I remembered real quickly.  The first night I rode four and a half miles. My daughter tricked me into riding this far. I was tired but I was glad that I made it. The next night I decided to ride four and a half miles again, but my daughter suggested that we go another two and a half miles.  No Way! “It will be easy,” she said.  She told me that the next two and a half miles were going to be flat, and that there were no dogs. So on I went, there were hills, but I did not see any dogs. However, my daughter said to be quiet past one of the houses so that we did not wake up the three large dogs.  I was not pleased in the least!  I went to work the next day, and I proudly let my coworkers know that I had rode six and a half miles the night before. I made it out of bed ok, even though I had to take some ibuprofen in the morning. It could have been worse.

The next week we decided to ride our bikes on the Sweetser Switch Trail. I had my granny bike ready to enjoy the smooth ride down the paved walkway. As I was riding, ten bike riders approached us. All ten wore spandex and matching helmets. They looked like they were on a mission. As they passed us, some of them said hi, but when they thought they were far enough away that I could not hear them one biker exclaimed, “Wow, now that is a workout.” I think they were making fun of my new granny bike!  I rode a few miles, and when I turned back around I saw those same bikers siting down on the pavement. As I approached one biker had taken a fall and luckily he was ok. He was resting, but he looked a little dizzy. I rode my granny bike right past them. My crazy granny bike may not be built for the Olympics but it does just fine!

Moral to this story: It does not matter what you do for exercise or how you exercise. People may make fun of you, but sometimes making fun of someone comes back to haunt you! Just keep on pedaling up that mountain!


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