Saturday, February 1, 2014

Too Many Breadsticks!

Do you eat your meals at the same time every day? I try to eat on time, but yesterday I did not and I ate way too much. When I got off work at 4:00 p.m. I had so many errands to run. I knew that I was going to be busy, and I packed myself a protein bar until I was able to eat supper. Well, I forgot to eat that protein bar and guess what, I was starving at supper time. After I got all finished with my errands it was 8:45, which was 8 hours since the last time I ate anything. We decided to stop at Fazolis and eat, and as I took the first bite I realized how starved I was. I could not control myself; I ate so many breadsticks. Eat on time, or plan to eat a little protein if you are not going to be able to eat. I cannot wait to eat until I feel hungry. Some individuals in the health industry state that you should only eat when you are hungry, but this does not work for me. If I wait to eat, I always overeat.

My grandpa always ate at the same time every day. My grandpa died at the ripe old age of 105. He ate from his garden and always in moderation. About the only snack that I ever saw him eat was popcorn. He never had a weight problem. I need to follow his example.

When I came home after gorging on breadsticks I felt so tired. I was so tired that I just layed down on the couch and feel asleep. I woke up at 12:15am, and I never posted my blog that day. I was so mad at myself for not thinking about the repercussions of overeating. I felt like I went back to my old habits. But, this morning I let that go and I started the day off right. I got up and exercised, and I have been eating healthier today as well. I am not looking back at my previous mistakes and getting discouraged anymore. I am looking forward, and this is a new day to keep on track. In today’s world, everything is always going at a fast pace. We should think about what and when we plan on eating in advance to help us not feel deprived and starved. We will be more likely to overeat if we do not plan ahead for the day.

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