Thursday, February 13, 2014


Why bother with this journey after 50 years of being overweight? Why fight the odds? Why struggle? I could write a book on the answer to the question WHY, but tonight I will hone in on one reason. Because someone I love very much is addicted to drugs and it is destroying him. In my mind I think, if I can overcome 50 years of food addiction, maybe, just maybe, it will give him hope that he can overcome his addiction too. I pray for him and for all who struggle with addictions of any kind. It's such a debilitating disease. It takes everything, including your life if you let it. I am holding on to my WHY. It is powering me right past the cravings. I'm doing this for myself and I'm doing it for him. I'm staying the course for all who want to change, but have little hope that they can. I am a warrior. I am hope. I am faith reborn. Stay strong.


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