Saturday, February 8, 2014


Today I walked in the Grant County Rescue Mission's "Walk-a-Mile In My Shoes" which is an annual fundraiser they host to help provide food and shelter to our community. I was happy to be a part of it and help in this small way. Within a few minutes of the start of the walk, the group of walkers disappeared out of site. I was limping along pulling up the rear. My feet hurt so bad. At one point I fell on the slippery ice, my grandson did too. We are both OK, but it sure make me grateful that we have shelter and heat. As I walked, I pictured the day I could walk pain-free. I prayed for the homeless and people who are without heat. I also prayed that those who are hurting have hope and know that there are people who care. I believe faith and hope are the most powerful things a person can have to turn their life around. I will never give up. I will keep the faith and keep the hope that I will be healed and healthy. That is my prayer for YOU too!


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