Thursday, January 16, 2014


Yesterday, we talked about a positive mindset, which is very important, but nothing changes without action, and I would like to add "consistent" action. I don't know how many times I have gotten hyped up to start a new weight loss program, just to fizzle out after a couple months. I was one of the "new year resolution crowds" the gym regulars complain about. I have a different spin on the new year resolution crowds though. I am proud of them because they are taking action, they (we) keep trying. I think eventually if you don't give up, your actions will become habit. We're not perfect, but every time we get back up again and take action, we are proving to ourselves that we care about ourselves enough to take care of our health so we can have abundant energy, a quality life, and be around for our family, to be active in our community, be a positive role model, pursue our dreams, and do other things that are important to us. I say bring on the New Year Resolution crowds because who knows how many of them (us) will make exercise and our well-being a daily habit.

Do you think exercise is too hard for you? Do your feet, knees, back, and/or other body parts hurt when you workout? I know the feeling too, but we can't use it as an excuse to stop being active. We need to check with our doctor and find out what kind of exercise is safe to do. Maybe it's chair exercise, maybe a swim in the pool where there is no impact on the body. I am learning that if I want to be healthy, I have to move my body. There is no way around it.

Have you seen the video about Arthur? He is a disabled vet who turned his life around by taking action, doing what he could do and the determination to never give up. He is proof that a little bit of action every day goes a long way to helping us transform our life!

I wish you a healthy ACTION filled day!


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