Sunday, January 19, 2014

Great Weight Off - 1/19/2014

213 pounds – Julie Hoch
I have worked very hard this week pretending that I was on the biggest loser. As I shut my eyes and got on the scale I hoped that it would reveal several pounds down. I was surprised to see 213 when I opened my eyes and looked down. What! Only five pounds! This is crazy; I have eaten right, drank mostly water, and exercised. The first week of the biggest loser the contestants usually loose at least ten pounds.
With all of the yo-yo dieting that I have done in the last several years my body is asking me “Is this for real this time?” I am glad that I lost weight even though it was only five pounds and not what I was expecting. Even if you only lost a pound, you are still on the right path towards a healthier life.
Every day we have choices to make, exercising, eating right and being healthy, it is all a choice and the choice is yours to make. You can choose to go down the wrong path which leads to expensive medical bills and healthcare costs. I am a walking testimony that being unhealthy is very expensive. I am choosing to lose this weight to hopefully get off of the medicine that I was put on because of my wrong and unhealthy choices. I know that it is tough to lose weight. Most people that have lost weight say it was the hardest thing that they have ever done. I can definitely say that it is hard to work at a goal that takes a long time to achieve.
I have spoken to and received e-mails from so many individuals who are working hard to reach their goals. I am so proud of all of you. You are my inspiration, and you are the keeping me on track. Keep up the great work “Great Weight Off” challengers.
Whether the scale shows a loss of five pounds, or even a half of a pound next week, I know that I am doing the best that I can, and I know that when we all come together and support one another it is a win, win situation. We have worked hard as a community, and it show others that Grant County stands together as a team!
I would like to invite everyone to the Walk A Mile In My Shoes…for Homelessness Fund Raiser/Awareness Walk. The Grant County Rescue Mission’s 9th Annual Winter Walk is on Saturday, February 8th. I went last year and I was so impressed with both the walkers and the volunteers. I had a great time!  Register online by February 3rd. Kathy and I are going to be there. Please come and walk with us for our health and to help to raise awareness for the Grant County Rescue Mission.







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