Saturday, January 25, 2014

What is Healthy Eating?

I used to think healthy eating was getting regular instead of super-size at the arches! Later my definition became no fried foods, then it evolved to no meat. I thought at that point, the weight would just melt off. I had never seen an overweight vegetarian. Little did I realize that vegetarians and vegans can eat just as much junk food as anyone else. So after a year of becoming a vegetarian, my definition of healthy eating centered around giving up sugar and processed foods. What in the heck did that leave to eat? I didn't want to go around eating salads and carrot sticks the rest of my life!

Once I started studying the science behind healthy eating, I realized that it doesn't have to be restrictive at all, in fact the more balanced it is and the more variety you have in your diet, the healthier it is for you.

While everyone's definition of healthy eating differs, most of us can agree that an abundance of fresh fruit and vegetables, beans, nuts, and seeds, play a big role in a healthy diet. 

There are times when the other stuff finds its way into my diet, but it is overshadowed by my conscious and continuous effort to nourish and fuel my body in a way that best serves me.

Here are some resources that have helped me define healthy eating in a balanced way. I hope it helps you too!

Healthy eating tips for vegetarians

Nutrient Dense Food Pyramid

Dietary Guidelines from the US Department of Health

Healthy Eating Tips from the USDA

Eat Healthy at restaurants

Here is a link Great Weight Off Challenger, Carrie Silvers shared with the group. It has a lot of foods that we may think of as healthy, but actually aren't.

It's really cold outside right now! Here is a healthy chili recipe I found on the USDA website.

What is your definition of healthy eating? What are you favorite healthy resources and recipes? Please share in the comment section below or on our Facebook fan page at 


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