Monday, January 6, 2014


Have you ever heard of the saying “The hurrier I go the behinder I get?” My grandma had a plaque on her wall that said this phrase. I thought to myself that hurrier and behinder were not real words and I did not understand this saying. As I have gotten older I understand this quote more than ever. I am going to really think about this saying this year. I am always in a hurry when I come home from work. I do not even think about eating until I am starving, and then I eat all the wrong things. I do not take the time to really think about what I am going to eat.  I just grab a cup of cheese and unhealthy foods and down it goes without thinking about all of the calories that I just ate.

At work I do take my time because I know if I hurry I will make all kinds of mistakes. I would then have to go back and fix all of the errors I made. I do not want to take the time to do this because then I would get behind in my work and not be a very good employee. I need to have this same frame of mind when it comes to my health.

I am really going to work on not expecting everything to be done every day when I get home. When I do expect everything to be completed I put my exercise and healthy eating at the bottom of the list. As I think about this New Year and things that I want to change about myself, I have decided that I am going to slow down and start enjoying life. I have to start saying “no” to things that are not that important and take time for myself. We only have one life that is given to us so let’s start challenging ourselves to slow down and start enjoying life.


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