Friday, January 10, 2014


Have you ever eaten red popcorn? My family used to plant red popcorn in our garden. This year I planted a few rows of red popcorn, and it brought back so many memories. Some people have never even heard of red popcorn. I grew up on a farm, and we ate our big meal at lunchtime, and for supper we ate something small. Most evenings we ate popcorn. You would think that I would get sick of popcorn, but I never will. I love to eat yellow and white popcorn also. When I walk in the movie theaters I do not even think about the movie when I smell the popcorn!

A few months ago I asked my daughter to be a drill sergeant with me. I told her to let me know if I was eating badly and to make me feel guilty about making the wrong food choices. Well, I have tried to fire her from that job several times. She just will not quit being the food police.

I popped my popcorn the other day, and I popped it with a lot of oil and salt. I was putting in a movie, getting my favorite chair all ready and the next thing that I knew was that I saw her dump my popcorn bowl in the trash. I ran out into the kitchen, and we started playing tug of war with the rest of the big bowl of popcorn.You can imagine what happened. The popcorn went bye bye.  I was so mad at her, but I knew deep down she was right.

Now we have agreed that for each four tablespoons of popcorn kernels we only add one teaspoon of oil and not much salt. Actually it is pretty good and a lot healthier than adding even more oil and salt.

She still checks the popcorn when I pop it just to make sure I am making it the “healthy” way. I keep telling her that I am the mother, but I guess I started something. I believe that I am lucky to have a daughter like her who wants her mom to live a healthy life. Thanks, food policewoman.

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