Monday, January 13, 2014

Super Kale

What is all the buzz about kale, the super vegetable? I have tried this vegetable in my juice, and I am not fond of the taste at all. It sure looks pretty, but the taste is not the best in my opinion. I just throw it in my juicer because I know that it is healthy for me. Kale helps lower cholesterol levels, and it helps reduce the risk of heart disease. It seems like anything that is that good for you should taste good, but somehow it never seems that way for a lot of vegetables.  I love to take on the challenge of making healthy foods taste good. Kale was a big challenge for me. I researched different kale recipes on the internet. Most of them did not seem that appealing to me. I saw one recipe where you bake kale and make them taste like a potato chip. The recipe called for coarse salt to sprinkle over kale before you bake the leaves. I looked through my spices, and I tried one half of the chips with just plain salt and the other half with garlic salt. Wow, was I surprised at how I liked the kale chips. If you do not like garlic salt then use just plain salt or maybe a spice that you would prefer.
I found kale in the grocery store cut up in bags, and it was a lot easier than buying kale by the bunch. The leaves were easier to manage and it made making this recipe so much easier.
Try this easy super power kale recipe and feel good about eating chips!


4 cups of kale (make sure to remove stalks, only use leaves)

1 Tablespoon of olive oil

Garlic salt

Put kale in a bowl, and mix olive oil thoroughly. Spread out on baking sheet and bake at 325⁰ for 8-12 minutes. Check to make sure the kale is crisp before taking it out of oven. Make sure you do not burn the kale chips. Enjoy!


Do you have another way to make kale taste good? If so, share it with us. We would love to hear from you! E-mail us at or leave a comment.


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