Saturday, January 11, 2014


Conquering the steps, one at a time!

Everyone should have a cheerleader in their life. A cheerleader is a person who is always there for you and one that helps you along the paths of your life. I have two friends, Emily and Danielle at work who are my cheerleaders. Emily started making me take the stairs a few months ago at work. Danielle now has joined her in this quest of making me walk the stairs. I would try to escape around the corner to get on the elevator, but Emily caught me and would say, “Come on Julie, you NEED to take the stairs.”  She even had other people from other offices watching me to make sure I was not sneaking off to ride in the elevator. When it was time to go home from work I just wanted to take the elevator because I wanted to get home, and I just was too tired to walk the stairs. I kept telling Emily and Danielle that they were in their twenties and I am fifty. Well that manipulation did not work with them. They saw right though that trick.

Now I can say I have taken the stairs every day since January 2nd. I even take my fifteen minute breaks in the morning and afternoon and walk the stairs. At first I thought I would never make it, but now I do not get out of breath as much. The more that I do this the better I am going to get at walking those steep stairs. It is all about taking one step everyday to reach our goals.

 Thanks to Emily and Danielle, I grow stronger every day. They are such wonderful friends who care about me. I love you, girls!

P.S.  Emily is now on a roll about getting me to work out at the YMCA. She goes there all the time and she loves it! I think she is going to win at this one too!


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