Sunday, January 5, 2014

The Y

I know there will be obstacles and challenges on this journey. I am learning to expect them and roll through them rather than letting them derail me. A couple days ago, I filled up those big 5 gallon water jugs and carried them. I must have picked them up wrong because I felt a pinch in my back. It hurt so bad yesterday that I skipped my workout.

Now, I'm thinking OK, I'm about to start a 12-week program where I experiment with a lot of different exercises, a backache is the last thing I need. It made me think about how much I take my health for granted. I haven't had a backache in years. My husband has backaches every day from a serious injury that happened 20 years ago. It really made me empathize and realize that the pinch I'm feeling is not even close to the pain most people feel who have back pain. The pain makes me want to sit still or lay down, but I know that being still too long can make it worse and add aches to other parts of my body too, so I started thinking of alternatives to my regular routine which is usually a home exercise DVD (T25 and Taebo are my current favorites). My first thought is swimming. It doesn't put any pressure on my body and it feels good.

Swimming makes me think of the YMCA. I could go for a swim, then sit in the hot tub afterwards. That would feel really good, not only for my back, but for my whole body. I think I must have been a fish in a previous life because I LOVE the water. I taught water aerobics at the Y when I was in my 30's and I really miss it. I need to go check out a class soon. Maybe once we get the GREAT WEIGHT OFF started, we can all meet at the Y and take a water exercise class together. That would be fun!

I noticed the ad in the Chronicle-Tribune that the Y has a New Year special going where you pay the date for the joiner fee. So, if I joined today it would cost $5 instead of their regular joiner fee. Sounds like a good deal to me! I have always been a big fan of the YMCA. I love their Partner with Youth Program where the Y (with support from the community) provides membership discounts and access to programs for people who cannot afford to pay full price. I love that they are open to all. The Y is my kind of place.

I let my membership lapse because I wasn't using it regularly, but I go to Marion several times a week, so there is no reason I couldn't make stopping by the Y part of my trip. What about you? Do you go to the Y? Do you like to swim? If so, I look forward to seeing you there!


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