Monday, January 27, 2014

Take Care of Yourself

Have you gone to see a healthcare provider in the last two years? I really believe in going and getting a checkup every year or at least every other year. Even if you think you are in the best of health, you still need to have a physical. Every year, kids who play sports in school are required to get a physical before they are even allowed to practice. I give schools an A+ for making students get a physical before playing sports. You should always make sure you are at the top of your game, health wise before participating in a game, even if that game is the game of life.

Why would we as adults be any different than a child playing sports? Should we not care about our health?  Have you ever thought about what would happen to our loved ones if something would happen medically to us?

It is so important to make an appointment just to have the peace of mind that you know where you stand health wise. You do not want to wait to find out until it is too late that you have a medical condition such as high blood pressure or diabetes. Would you look back and say “I wish I would have gotten this checked out before it caused this much damage?”

Do you use lack of money and insurance as an excuse to not get checked out? Check with your local hospital. Most hospitals will assist you in helping you find ways to make it possible to afford medical bills. Some people are willing to save money to go on vacations, to buy Christmas presents, and to get new furniture, but a lot of the same people do not think about saving money for their health. If something happens to you because you put off going to the doctor you may not be able to go on that vacation or enjoy next Christmas with your family. I am not trying to scare anyone, but I want you all to be aware of how important making that appointment and taking care of your health is. Eating right and exercising on a regular basis is a start, but some people may suffer from certain medical conditions that prevent their bodies from absorbing the full effect of their daily healthy choices. I went to the doctor and found out that I have hypothyroidism. Now I am on medicine that helps regulate my thyroid, but if you have hypothyroidism you might have a hard time losing weight even if you are doing everything else right.  

Thyroid problems have always run in my family, and now I have it as well. I was feeling awful all the time. I put off going to the doctor because I thought it would go away. Well it did not, and I could have felt better the last several years if I had went to the doctor sooner. After they put me on thyroid medication I feel so much better. So just imagine how much better you can feel by going to the doctor to make sure that there is nothing holding you back from being the healthiest version of yourself.

So please, call your healthcare provider, and let them help you get into the best health possible!


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