Tuesday, January 21, 2014

When You Are Going Through Hell Keep on Going!

My phone got shut off, the checking account is overdrawn, creditors are calling, and the printer is out of ink even though I just replaced it last week (ever notice how every little thing increases stress once you're on a roll)... all things I am dealing with today and it's not even noon! There was a time not too long ago that a day like this would have sent me straight into a binge on junk food -  chips, cookies, candy, even a pan of macaroni and cheese, anything to comfort me and take my mind off of my problems. With my renewed commitment to getting healthy and not letting stress derail me, I have been doing a lot of prayer, saying "this too shall pass" and breathing deeply. It is a different feeling dealing with the emotion instead of numbing it out -  not easy, but empowering.

I have more questions than answers, I don't understand why some things happen the way they do, or how one can work so hard and still feel stuck in a rut, but what I do know is that I will continue on my path of helping others live their best life and I will give everything I got to living my best life too which includes eating nourishing food to fuel my body not to comfort my soul. I will stay focused on what I want instead of dwelling on what I don't want. I will rise above the temptation to wallow in despair. It doesn't mean that there aren't issues I deal with every day because there are a mountain of them, what I listed above doesn't even scratch the surface, but what I see is that most of them are money related, and have very little to do with health and peace of mind unless I let the negative thoughts simmer in my mind instead of letting them just sail right on through. I love that saying, "When you're going through hell, keep on going." I can't hang on to negative, self-defeating thoughts - it's like hanging on to a hand grenade. Stewing about things destroys our peace of mind and causes bodily harm too.

I refuse to let my circumstances define me or deter me away from my mission. I pray for strength. I am grateful for my faith because I know I couldn't do it on my own. Philippians 4:13 is my favorite Bible verse, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." I take care of what I can and I let the ball of negative emotion go. I let go and let God. I redirect my energy to gratitude. I want you to know that you can do it too.Whatever is happening in your life does not have to define you nor does it have to make you eat junk food. It's a choice we make. I am going to eat clean and take care of business, do what I can do, keep praying, keep breathing, keep on going.


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