Wednesday, January 15, 2014


Do you like to journal? If my house burned down to the ground I would grab my kids and animals first, but the next item I would grab would be my journals. I have journaled for many years. I really enjoy looking back at my journals from years ago to see the changes in my life throughout the years. I have also found answers to my problems through journaling. I have made major decisions in my life by going back and re-reading my journals. I have a journal about the blessings that I have received in my life and journals about my children and different events that have happened in my life.
I have started several journals on weight since 1997. I have went back and re-read some entries that I had written. Some say the same thing over and over. Every journal that I have ever started states that I want to lose weight. Some of my journals were written when I was at a lower weight than I am at today, but even back then I still wanted to be skinnier. It was always about being skinnier, but not necessarily healthier.
As I go back to read my journals I realize that I have never solved my weight issue. I would start a new year and write for about two weeks, and I would never go back. Being in this “Great Weight Off,” spending time with others who are participating in the 12 week program, along with blogging and journaling is helping me discover a pattern in myself, and the road that I have been on most of my life has only lead to weight gain and disappointment. The stories that I have heard lately from participants in this program have motivated and inspired me. You are finding answers that I never discovered throughout the years. You all are making a difference in my life, and I am so thankful for the “Great Weight Off.” I am making sure that I journal about this part of my life, and someday I will go back to re-read these pages. In doing so, I know that I will read about overcoming challenges in order to become the best me that I can be.
I think that everyone should journal. It is easy to do. Write down your feelings at that time, on that day.
Just go buy a journal or use a notebook you already have at home. You never know you might find the answers to what you have been looking for all along.
I’ll be thinking and journaling about all of you.

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