Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Are you Hiding?

Have you been hiding from people since you have gained weight? When you go out, do you hide behind a clothes rack when you see an old classmate that you have not seen since school? Why do we always feel that we have lost our value when we have gained weight?
I know I have felt and done all of the above. Even though we are still the same person on the inside we still feel that others only value what it on the outside. This is because we choose to feel this way about ourselves.
I am going to be going to the YMCA to review some classes that they are offering to the community. I have to admit that I am little scared about doing this. I really do not like to exercise in front of anyone. I feel like everyone is looking at me. I just now am actually posting things on Facebook. I used to only push the like button every once and a while, but now I am reaching out to my friends and my community in a positive way.
A friend of mine, who is a member at the YMCA, goes to several classes every week. I told her about my dilemma and she stated, “Nobody is watching you, they are all too busy working out.” She went on to tell me there are all different sizes and shape of people who go to the YMCA. She also stated that she admired people who are overweight and working out instead of living their life on a couch while wishing they were thin.”  This speaks volumes to me!
I am going to go to a class. I have to put my fears aside and strive for my goal. I will get my head out of the sand, and hold it up high. I am going to go to the YMCA, and I am going to use it as a tool to help me reach my goal instead of only seeing it as a place where people that have already reached their goals go.
Lastly, I want to say that the next big step will be to get over my fear of wearing a swim suit, and I will do this by going to water aerobics classes at the YMCA! I am just going to dive in and not look back.  
Swim class, here I come!

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