Monday, January 20, 2014

What is Better than Comfort Food?

I walked past the pretzel shop at the mall three times today. I was craving a cup of pretzel bites that I always used to get every time I went to the mall. I almost gave in, but I kept walking and decided instead of giving into a craving for comfort food, I would do something nice for myself as sort of a reward for not giving into the temptation to indulge which I know would have led to an internal battle and thinking oh well, I blew my "diet" so I might as well eat whatever I want for the rest of the day and start fresh tomorrow.

I decided to treat myself to some Bath & Body wash. I like the way they are naming bath soap after places I want to visit, I saw some Paris and Rome. I decided on Paris today. It was only $3! That made me happy. Then on my way out I walked past those shiatsu massage chairs and decided I would treat myself to massage too. It was $1 for 3 minutes. I closed my eyes and let the stress melt away.

So, for the same price I would have paid for comfort food that would have been gone in a few minutes and left me feeling guilty, bloated, and craving more junk food, I treated myself to a mini spa moment and walked away feeling refreshed and victorious!.


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