Saturday, January 4, 2014

Faith and Mountains

I ask God every day what He wants me to say. What message does He want me to share to one other person or to thousands or even to myself. Today, I think He just wants me to acknowledge Him. I'm not overly religious, but I have a strong faith in my higher power that I call God. I think of God as my heavenly father - the only father I've ever really had. I wouldn't be here today if it wasn't for my faith. I would have probably given up hope of a brighter tomorrow and become a statistic like those who remain victims of child abuse long after the abuse has stopped - the walking dead who have to numb out with drugs or alcohol to face the unfairness of life. Perhaps I did.

My drug of choice was junk food. I turned to food instead of God when I was lonely, bored, or stressed. Feeding my physical body when I was emotionally and spiritually hungry led to morbid obesity; 150 pounds above the recommended weight for my height.

I would like to say a switch flipped and I instantly woke up to this reality, but it has been a process. Every time I fall, I get back up again. It has been a long uphill battle. As long as I can remember I have dieted and my weight has went up and down like a yoyo.

After many years of study and determination to win this inner battle, I have an awareness of the power of faith and food to be a weapon of destruction or a great healer. I have also discovered a blueprint of success that I think of as climbing Mt. Everest. You get prepared for the journey (everything from writing down your goals to cleaning out the cupboards and fridge of all the junk food), you realize you can't do it alone (lean on your faith), you need a supportive team who may start out as strangers and end up become lifelong friends (find a group of positive and supportive peers). You start at base camp (find a challenge to participate in) to acclimate to the journey that awaits you (learn as much as you can). You pay attention to the expert leaders who have taken the same journey you are about to do (find a coach or mentor). You know there will be obstacles ahead, you don't let them deter you. You keep climbing (stay consistent with clean eating and exercise), keep the desire to accomplish your goal burning inside you.

That's where I'm at. I am mentally prepared for the journey to the Summit. In a few days, I am headed to base camp (Great Weight Off) to meet my new friends who are brave enough to go on this adventure with me (Is that you? I hope so!). Some may turn back as I have many times before, but others will overcome every obstacle and keep on climbing until they reach the Summit (their goal) where they will claim their hard-won victory (achieve your goal and win prizes too!). I am ready. Are you?

Our journey begins January 12, 2014. If you are ready to take charge of your health and your life, I invite you to join me for the 12-week journey to health. We will learn from the experts, share healthy recipes, try new exercises, get fresh air, help each other, and go on some fun adventures. You have nothing to lose but the weight that keeps you bound.  Your Mt. Everest is waiting for you!

To participate in the Great Weight Off, email your name, address, phone number and 12-week weight loss goal to

I am looking forward to our journey to health!

Kathy Gerstorff

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