Friday, January 3, 2014

Welcome to the Great Weight Off! I am so excited to go on this Journey. It is now are never for me and I pick NOW! I'm ready and I am pumped to be able to share with you all of the exciting ways we all can lose weight. What works for one person may not work for another. That is why we are going to write about all kinds of options and places to help us all lose this weight that makes us feel like a sloth.

My Nurse Practitioner, Adrienne Howard from MGH is also excited for me. I just think the world of Adrienne. She is so caring, but she will always tell me the truth about my health problems. I have cholesterol and high blood pressure, and now she tells me after my blood test that I need to lower my blood sugar or I will be put on medicine for that too. She has given me six months to work on this. Now if that isn't a motivation I don't know what is! She has continued to provide support. She has motivated me to go forward with the Great Weight Off. 

Sigh up and join with Kathy and I and lets get motivated to be winners!


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