Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Blood Test


Have you had a blood test recently? I get a blood test at least once a year. Blood test results tell us what is going on in our bodies. When I get a blood test at MGH I always get a copy of my report. I like to see how the numbers have changed from year to year. It helps me keep tabs on my cholesterol, glucose levels, and my thyroid; there are so things that your health care provider can find out about your health through these results. Your doctor will explain your results, and how to either improve your numbers or how to maintain your good health if everything comes back normal.

I really do not like getting blood tests because I hate needles. I have always been terrified of needles. I always thought I would love to be a nurse, but I cannot handle needles and blood. I admire the medical professionals who deal with needles, blood, and patients like me on a daily basis. I feel sorry for the phlebotomist that draws my blood, because I can be such a wimp. It never really hurts; it is just the thought of the needle that makes me squirm. It only takes seconds for the blood test to be completed, and for my health I will stick it out.

I wanted to do this blog because I feel it is so important to get blood work done. I would have never known that I have hypothyroidism and elevated cholesterol levels if my doctor would not have ordered a blood test.

If you are due for a physical or blood work, please do not put this off. Your life could depend on it. Please do not gamble with your health. It is your choice. Get that blood test done!


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