Friday, January 24, 2014

Pasta Salad

Do you like pasta salad?  I really enjoy pasta, and I have switched to eating healthier whole wheat pasta.  Pasta is one food that I just cannot live without. Since I cannot give pasta up, I have looked for healthier pastas to use in order to make my spaghetti, macaroni and cheese, and pasta salad. One brand of pasta that I have found is called Ronzoni Garden Delight. It contains half a serving of vegetables for each 2 oz. serving of pasta. After I tried Garden Delight Pasta I make my pasta salad all the time.
I like to make up a large batch and eat it all throughout the week for my lunch. It does not take much time at all.  This pasta salad is also easy to whip up if you need something fast to make for any occasion.
I am going to give you the recipe I use, but you can add all kinds of vegetables, chicken, or turkey.  I like quick and easy recipes like this. 

Easy Pasta Salad

1 12 oz. box of Garden Delight pasta or whole wheat pasta

1 ½ cup broccoli

1 ½ cup cauliflower

¼ cup onion

¼ – ½ cup of light ranch

Cook pasta and drain, rinse with cold water. Mix all ingredients together in a large bowl. Chill in refrigerator and enjoy. Makes about six servings. Enjoy!


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