Sunday, January 26, 2014

Great Weight Off 1/26/2014

Lost 1.2 pounds

I only lost 1.2 pounds this week. I thought that maybe I was reading the scale wrong. Nope, the scale still showed a loss of 1.2 pounds. My scale is kind of old. Maybe I should buy a new scale. I would love to say I lost 2 pounds, but I have to be honest and tell the truth. I lost 1.2 pounds and I am thankful for that loss of weight. I guess it is what it is, and that is ok. I worked harder this week than last week, and last week I lost 5 pounds.  However, I feel better, and I have more energy this week. I am working at becoming healthier every day, and this is what matters the most to me.

Would you like to be a part of the “Great Weight Off” group on Facebook? I love it! This group inspires me, and it keeps me motivated. We would love to have you be a part of this group.  If you are in the group you do not have to leave comments or ask questions; you can just read the comments others post and use these comments to motivate yourself to become healthier every day. I just now have acquired the courage to post comments on Facebook. I pushed the like button every once in a while, but I hardly ever responded. This group has helped me come out of my shell. Now, I cannot wait to read the comments and questions that individuals in our group post. Challengers have posted healthy recipes on our Facebook page, some of which I have tried myself. One challenger shared a recipe called “no bake energy bars.”  I went right out and bought the ingredients I needed. It is the everyday simple interactions among community members that help us all achieve our goals.

Sometimes we post a question such as “What do you do to reward yourself as you lose weight.” Some users said they get a manicure, new tennis shoes, a pedicure, or new clothes, all of which are great ideas that inspired me to go out and get a pedicure. 

This group has helped me discover other avenues to take that will help me lose weight. Some have written about their struggles while posting about their accomplishments during the week. The support that this group has given to other members is overwhelming! Kathy and I even held a conference call in which a professor at Cornell University in Los Angeles California named Katherine Nilbrink spoke with the group about food addiction along with several ideas on how to eat the right way for better health. We recorded this conversation, and it is posted on the website – just go to and click on the Great Weight Off Icon! 

You could be a part of this process too. I look forward to meeting more and more challengers every week as this group grows. We even have challengers from other states. This is a fun, helpful, and motivating group. Would you like to join us?

This is an invitation to everyone who wants to have the support of others while learning how to live healthy.

To join, email, we will invite you to join our Great Weight Off group on Facebook!


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