Saturday, January 25, 2014

Sleep Apnea

Well another heath issue has plagued me, and it is called sleep apnea.  I must wear this crazy looking contraption at night to help me breath.  I guess I stop breathing at night. I am so tired all throughout the day. My nurse practitioner at the Pence-Davis Clinic, Adrienne Howard, had me take a sleep apnea test and it revealed that I had sleep apnea. I tried to talk her out of making me wearing this “Darth Vader” mask, but she knew the right words to say to me. I need to wear a CPAP mask to help me feel better and to have more energy to make it through the day. When I wear the CPAP mask I will have more energy to exercise in order to lose weight. Well, I hate this thing... I look like I belong in the ICU at the hospital.  It is really scary looking.  I guess I got what I expected.  I prayed that God would make me come to terms with my weight and He did. I am going to try this crazy alien machine tonight, and every time I look at it I know I am going to keep running the race to lose weight. Now I am a single lady, and I do not think I will ever get married again, but if I do, can you imagine telling my partner that I look like an alien at night?  To be continued…
CPAP Update 
I have worn this CPAP mask for a couple of weeks.  I cannot believe how I feel!  I have more energy than I can ever remember.  Yes, I still feel a little claustrophobic now and then, but I found a mask that fits right under my nose so I feel better. There are all kinds of masks to choose from, but the nasal mask is what I am comfortable with, and it comes in pink.
I am getting used to this CPAP machine more and more every night. I even got a fishing pole like contraption over my head at night to help hold up the tubing. Ha! My blood pressure is going down to a healthy level every morning.  I cannot believe the new positive outlook I have about my life.  I have even been wide awake to exercise in the mornings. Thank you, Adrianne Howard; you may have saved me from a heart attack. I know you were right about having more energy during the day. It did pay to listen to my Nurse Practitioner. My heart thanks you, and my prayers were answered!  
Do you feel tired all the time? Do you wake up in the mornings with a headache and feel like you never slept at all? Do you feel like falling asleep all day long even though you had eight hours of sleep? You might have sleep apnea. If you think you do, please consult your Health Care Provider. It might just save your life.

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