Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Walk a Mile



Does your treadmill look like a clothes rack? Is it just in the way at your house which only leads you to think about selling it or giving it to Goodwill? Let me help change your mind about your treadmill so that you can stop using it for storage and start using it to move and lose. My treadmill used to look like the before picture when I only used it to hang clothes on. Now it looks like the after picture without the clutter.
This week I was tired when I came home from work. I did not feel like working out, but I forced myself to get on the treadmill. I put on my favorite music and the music motivated me to keep going which made walking on the treadmill much more enjoyable. I walked for one hour, and it did not even seem like one hour had passed. I ignored the phone and any distractions that popped up. I put my health first. I am learning to do this more and now that I have it seems like I have more time and more energy for the rest of the evening.
Have you found that it is hard to put everything on hold until you get your workout in for the day? I know it is not easy especially if you have a family to look after. When my kids were young, and I was in shape, I would walk on my treadmill when they took a nap or before they woke up for the day. When the weather was nice we would walk outside together. My kids are now in great shape. They remember how I exercised on the treadmill and how I used to take care of myself. They want me to believe in myself again. I am not only doing this for me; I want to live to see my children grow up. I do not want them to feel like they are driving Miss Daisy around. I think they feel that way now. LOL J
I hope you all are working out, eating right, and drinking plenty of water. If you do not have a treadmill, don’t worry there are other ways of walking and exercising. My church has a walking group. They meet once a week, and in the winter they all walk inside. There are all kinds of walking groups out there. Join one or even start up one of your own and make new friends at the same time. We are here to help anyway that we can to get you back on your feet. The Grant County Rescue Mission’s 9th Annual Winter Walk “Walk a Mile in My Shoes …for the Homeless” is on Saturday, February 8. It starts at the YMCA, and Kathy and I are going to be there. Last year was my first year, and I was so impressed with this event. You can register online at the Grant County Rescue Mission’s website (https://grantcountyrescuemission.com/), and it is free to register. You get a t-shirt, and you are simply asked to help raise money for the Rescue Mission or bring a donation. This is a great event to not only get in some exercise but to raise money and awareness for our local Rescue Mission.  Come join us and walk for your health and walk for the homeless. It is a great way to help others and support our community!
Let’s get this community walking!
Walk-a-Mile for Homelessness 2014 
February 8th, 2014

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