Friday, January 3, 2014

The Journey Begins

January 1st - It feels so good to write January 1. It is a clean slate, a blank canvas to paint any picture I want. I love the new year when we think about resolutions, goals, and dream of a brighter future.

I have big plans for 2014 which includes positively transforming my life and helping as many people as I can along the way.

My goal is to blog daily on this journal for at least three months. I will re-evaluate after that time to see if I should continue daily or move to a weekly format, but I am committing to giving this journey my all. I plan to check in every day and record what I am doing to get healthy, share the little steps I am taking to move forward towards my goal of shedding 100 lbs. and getting in the best shape I can be in mind, body and spirit.

I invite YOU to join me by doing one thing every day that will help you get to where you want to be. Perhaps it is a journal that includes gratitude, goals, and the steps you take to get you where you want to go.

I will share the lessons I learn along the way and the tools that help me. I am starting with my stats. In order to get to where you are going you have to know where you're at.

Where I am at. I weighed in this morning and took my "before" pics. I am looking at it totally objectively. I am not "beating myself up" for where I am. I am grateful that I am taking steps to improve my health and I know that I have to have a starting place. So here it is...

Weight = 306.8
Chest = 44
Waist = 47
Hips = 55.5
Thigh = 33
Calf = 21.5
Arm = 18.5

I will record this into MyFitnessPal which is one of my favorite tools for recording measurements as well as a daily log of the food I consume and exercise I do. It also has a social media aspect where people can follow each other and encourage each other along the way. I invite you to friend me if you join or already use the site. It's a free program and has an excellent APP too.

Every day I will list three things I am grateful for. I believe that when we are in gratitude, more abundance will come our way. Today I am grateful for new beginnings. I am grateful that my success partner Julie Hoch has the courage to take this journey with me and I am grateful to my higher power which I call God for giving me this opportunity to make a positive difference in people's lives.

Happy New Year! I hope 2014 is your healthiest and happiest year yet!

Be sure to subscribe so you get our updates and be sure to check back tomorrow for some exciting news!

Kathy Chaffin Gerstorff

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