Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Food Labels - Serving Size

What do you look at first on a food label? I look at the ingredients first and if there are more than five ingredients or I don't recognize (or even know how to pronounce) one of the ingredients, I put it back! I like whole food ingredients, for example when I buy peanut butter, the only ingredient I want to see is peanuts. Look at the jar of peanut butter in your cabinet and see what ingredients it has in it.

Most people look at calories first, but what is the one thing you should look at before calories? Serving size and servings per package. Many foods that you would think only count as one serving, like a muffin, often contain 2+ servings, but the serving size may be based on a third of the package contents.

What cereal do you have in your cabinet right now? I challenge you to check the label and see what the serving size is. Most likely it is less than a cup. Who eats a half-cup of cereal? Most of us grab a bowl from the cabinet and fill it up. The same goes for ice cream!

Once you start looking at food labels, you will be surprised at how much the serving size and ingredients varies from one brand to the next, even on the same type of food.

Check out this video of a comedian talking about food labels and serving size. I can relate! Can you?


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