Thursday, January 2, 2014


I wanted to get up at 5 a.m. to workout and get my day started. That didn't happen. But, I did do about 15 minutes of an exercise DVD within a few minutes of getting up. I like to get started earlier because there are no interruptions. If I wait until later, then there are so many distractions. My goal is to exercise at least 10 minutes a day, with my ideal workout being between 30-60 minutes. I know if I discipline myself to at least 10 minutes, it will become a habit. I plan to finish the exercise DVD this afternoon, but I know the morning workout is best because then it's done and I don't have to think about it the rest of the day.

When it's cold an snowy out, I just want to hibernate. I want comfort foods! I am being disciplined for this journey and a new adventure that I will talk more about tomorrow. I am disciplining myself to eat clean, which for me is fruit and veggies. I have been a vegetarian for two years, but I really want to become plant-powered. I love the way I feel physically, mentally, and spiritually when I eat clean. So, for 2014 I want to try the vegan lifestyle. I pretty much do it anyway, the only thing I would be giving up is eggs and cheese, which I rarely eat. It's all the vegan junk food that slowed me down in 2013. You would be amazed at all the junk food that is vegan (Oreos, potato chips, dark chocolate, etc.) I have a choice to make. I can be healthy or I can keep eating the junk and keep gaining weight. I choose healthy. I choose abundant energy. I choose life.

I hope you choose life too. We can do this!


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