Thursday, January 9, 2014

No More Chores!

I used to think of exercise as a "chore" just one more thing I "had" to do. It was such an effort to drive to the gym, get changed, and spend an hour on the treadmill, an uncomfortable stationary bike, and weight machines that resemble some sort of torture device. My other option was to roll around on the floor in an "exercise" class. That wasn't too appealing either.

There are a few pieces of gym equipment I like, a quality elliptical is one. I love how easy it is on my knees and I can get a good sweat going while listening to my favorite tunes on Pandora.

I like variety when it comes to exercise and I like it to feel like it's more fun than exercise. That's why I love to swim and hike. It doesn't feel like exercise at all. I also like doing exercise at home where I can workout in my skivvies if I want to. A long time favorite home-based exercise program I like is Taebo. I'm also a big fan of Shaun T's workouts. I do his latest "T25" workout several times a week. I sometimes do a HasFit workout on YouTube. There are a lot of FREE exercise routines on YouTube!

Sometimes I like working out with a group. is a great way to see what activities and events are going on in your area. You can create a meetup too. I plan to do this soon! I love when like-minded people get together to share their energy and light for the greater good.

What is your favorite exercise routine? I hope it's not a chore for you. You're more likely to stick with it if it's fun. The key is consistency! I'm making fun exercise a part of my daily routine, just like brushing my teeth.It's a habit that is part of my lifestyle. Not a chore at all.

Wishing You a Healthy & Happy Day!

Kathy Gerstorff

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